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User manual Microsoft Publisher (English - 6 pages)

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- User manual Microsoft Publisher (English - 6 pages)


You may have your basic applications that cover text documents Microsoft Word , numerical data Microsoft Excel and presentation content Microsoft PowerPoint. The application provides you with affordable and easy-to-use desktop publishing features that anyone can use. The application allows them to create branding and sales material that look professional. Having said that, you may be wondering, what are the things you can do in Microsoft Publisher?

The answer: almost anything you need to professionally design and publish your material. Some examples include:.

Editing and customizing that content is where MS Publisher really shines. You can work from scratch, from templates, or from existing content you may already have. On top of helping you work with your original PDF content, Microsoft Publisher also comes equipped with hundreds of premade layouts and cookie cutter templates you can use for guidance, ideas or inspiration.

Before you start getting your hands dirty, there are a few basics you need to know. Below is a quick guide on how to go about the basic stuff.

These are known as objects, and are outlined with a border with four white circles and four white squares. This may seem weird at first, but these frame-like boxes allow you to group, edit, manipulate and move content around on the page more easily. Adding text — To add text to your project, you work within the text boxes and can edit the text within the object directly. You can also add your own by going to the Insert tab and clicking on the Draw Text Box command, which lets you click and drag to create your own text object where you want it.

Most of the templates in Publisher will offer up pre-made boxes and objects, so getting familiar with these is necessary.

These boxes usually contain dummy text which you can easily double click and edit, customizing the font, size, and color. In addition, you have a number of options to format your picture in your publication.

Just head over to the Format tab when your picture is selected and you can start tailoring your images. Building blocks make it easier for you to build and customize your publication by giving you pre-made elements. You can find these under the Insert tab on the ribbon:. By exploring a few customizations, you can easily select an element you want and then click and drag to reposition and resize the element accordingly.

Microsoft Publisher has these building blocks built right in, but you can also create your own. Think of this tool like your everyday spell checker, but for your publication content instead of textual typos.

The Design Checker reviews your content for a variety of design and layout problems, allowing you to catch and fix them before you finalize a print job. You can also specify the types of problems the tool will look for by clicking on the Design Checker Options dialog box. To print up your project, Microsoft Publisher has a few methods to help print your content. Do remember to save your project first, though, before you print!

The Wizard will do that for you. You simply decide which option is best for your needs:. In addition to some templates, we collected a few Microsoft Publisher tutorials to help you quickly get started:. Let us know in the comments what other questions you have for working with your digital content and how MS Publisher worked for you.


- Microsoft publisher user manual | Peatix


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